Why was there such a strong push to bring Covid-19 vaccines to market and make them mandatory? Who was driving the push and what might their motives have been?
The most obvious place to look first is the Big Pharma vaccine industry. They stand to reap astronomical profits with vaccines.
- The W.H.O. - Gates connection.
There exists a conflict of interest of mammoth proportions with respect to the W.H.O. and Covid-19.
It was the W.H.O. that declared the Covid-19 epidemic a pandemic, setting in motion the unprecedented worldwide disaster that has subsequently taken place.
Not by coincidence, the current largest financial supporter of the W.H.O. (Bill Gates) is also the single biggest investor in the Big Pharma industry and stands to gain a financial windfall as more and more vaccines reach the public.
It is also not a coincidence that the W.H.O., Mr. Gates and almost every single government leader in the world made public pronouncements stating that until a vaccine is developed the world will not return to normal.
- Government health regulatory agencies such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) "are actually vaccine companies!". Robert Kennedy Jr. makes this point by highlighting that:
"The FDA has 50% of its budget from vaccine companies, from the industry, 50%."
"The CDC has an $11.5 billion dollar budget and $4.9 billion of that is buying and selling and distributing vaccines. CDC is a vaccine company. It owns 57 vaccine patents. So it can make money on every sale of a vaccine."
"NIH owns hundreds of vaccine patents. NIH owns half the patents for the Moderna vaccine. There's five individuals in NIH and the rules at NIH, if you're a scientist or an official working on a vaccine you're allowed to collect $150,000 a year in royalties on sales that that vaccine makes."
"These regulatory companies are actually vaccine companies. They are not doing their job as regulators."
Heated Vaccine Debate - Kennedy Jr. vs Dershowitz Aug 6, 2020 Video
- Governments worldwide are also interested in Covid-19 vaccines as they allow them to impose tighter controls on their populace.
They achieve this by limiting access to key areas of commerce, transportation and recreation to only those who have taken the vaccines; those with 'Covid-19 passports'. People's lives are negatively impacted simply by not taking the vaccines.
Has anyone ever produced a coronavirus vaccine before?
Coronaviruses are very common yet no coronavirus vaccine had been produced for humans before now, despite decades of research.
How safe are vaccines that have been rushed to market, before proper clinical trials were carried out on animals and humans?
Prior to the Covid-19 vaccines, we had never been able to release a new vaccine in less than four years. Typical development takes between 9-13 years. The more corners cut in rushing vaccines to market the less safe they are.
New York Times How Long Will a Vaccine Really Take? Apr. 30, 2020
Who would be responsible should there be adverse health effects from the vaccines?
Big Pharma does not undertake manufacturing Covid-19 vaccines without getting blanket protection from all legal liabilities concerning potential harmful health effects. So basically Big Pharma has nothing to lose and everything to gain in bringing vaccines to market.
The only recourse for potential victims of harmful vaccines would be limited benefits provided by governments and there would be no guarantee of receiving these benefits.
Is there a guarantee of safety and efficacy, that is, will all who take them be free from adverse events and become immune from the virus?
The drug manufacturers have gone from declaring their vaccines
90+ % effective, to now actually saying their vaccines will not stop the transmission of the virus!
The number of adverse events recorded around the world each day from the vaccines is off the charts!
Any previous vaccine would have long been pulled from the market.
Despite this, the push to vaccinate younger and younger ages of the population continues!
Additional references:
Zero Hedge - Rate of Adverse Reactions To COVID Vaccines Already 50x Higher Than Flu Shot Jan 05, 2021
Davis, Iain - What Vaccine Trials? Jan 03, 2021
Sputnik News - Physician in Mexico Admitted to Intensive Care Unit After Receiving Pfizer Vaccine Jan 02, 2021
Doshi, Peter - Pfizer and Moderna’s "95% effective” vaccines—let’s be cautious and first see the full data Nov 2020
CNBC - You can’t sue Pfizer or Moderna if you have severe Covid vaccine side effects. The government likely won’t compensate you for damages either Dec 17, 2020
P.R.E.P.A. - Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act
Lyons-Weiler, James - Pathogenic Priming: Coronavirus Vaccine Safety Warning Dec 17, 2020
Hilzenrath, David S. - Hearing Without Listening Dec 2020
60 Minutes - Mike Wallace Exposes The 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic Vaccine Injuries
1976 (Video)
Horwin, Michael E. - Simian Virus 40 (SV40): A Cancer Causing Monkey Virus from FDA-Approved Vaccines 2003
CDC - Narcolepsy Following 2009 Pandemrix Influenza Vaccination in Europe
Aug 2020
Mayer, Alix - Leading Covid Vaccine Candidates Plagued by Safety Concerns Nov 2020
Doshi, Peter - Will covid-19 vaccines save lives? Current trials aren’t designed to tell us Oct. 2020
Berdine, Gilbert - What the Covid Vaccine Hype Fails to Mention Nov 2020
Koumoundourous, Tessa - Some Covid-19 Vaccine Candidates May Make People More Vulnerable to HIV, Scientists Warn Oct 2020
Engdahl, William F. - Can We Trust the WHO? Apr 2020
Kennedy, Robert F. Jr. - CDC and WHO Corrupt Financial Entanglements with the Vaccine Industry